What Cheer Writers Club’s Craft Curiosities series invites local writers to take a deep dive into a single aspect of literary composition—from narrative technique and grammar to presentation and revision—through a two-hour skills-building intensive guided by a local teaching artist.
Workshops are open to all levels of writers across various genres and mediums. You must be 18+ to attend. For now, workshops will be held online via Zoom.
Spring 2022 Workshops
Sat, Feb 26 1-3pm on Zoom
With Karen Greco
Intimate scenes can be among the most difficult to write. Whether you are an aspiring romance author or want to include a “steamy scene” in your novel, short story or memoir, this workshop gets down and dirty to get you comfortable with crafting a love scene that rings true to your characters. Bring your work in progress—or an idea of the characters you would like to bring together—so we can start drafting the naughty bits!
Recognizing the sensitive nature of writing intimacy, the workshop strives to create a safe space where writers can open up to the idea of taking their characters through the emotional arc of an intimate moment. As such, writers will not be sharing their work in the group setting - this is purely a process-oriented workshop.